*from XDA developers and Stackexchange


  1. ADB
  2. LineageOS 18.1
  3. Windows 11
  4. Easy APK Tool


  1. Connect the phone to a PC with a USB cable.
  2. Navigate to a directory with adb.exe
  3. Right click, PowerShell -> Open here
  4. In the shell, execute:
     cd /system/product/priv-app/Dialer
     cp Dialer.apk /storage/self/primary/Documents
  5. On your phone, go to Documents folder, and move the Dialer.apk to your PC via email or IM.
  6. Decompile Dialer.apk using Easy APK Tool.
  7. Navigate to the corresponding decompiled Dialer folder, and there into subdirectory res/xml
  8. Open call_record_states.xml in a text editor and replace all false strings with true
  9. In Dialer folder, navigate into the subdirectory res/values
  10. Open styles.xml
  11. Line #25 is a duplicate, delete it:
    <item name="android:textColorPrimary">@color/dialer_primary_text_color</item>
  12. Using Easy APK Tool, recompile the Dialer folder into a new Dialer.apk
  13. Upload the new Dialer.apk to the Documents folder on your phone.
  14. Reconnect the phone to a PC.
  15. In the same PowerShell, run:
    adb root
    adb remount
    adb shell
  16. In the shell, execute:
    mv /storage/self/primary/Documents/Dialer.apk /system/product/priv-app/Dialer
    cd /system/product/priv-app/Dialer
    chmod 644 Dialer.apk
  17. Reboot:
    adb reboot
  18. When you start a call, a new button with a Record symbol will appear in the Dialer UI.